
Currently focusing on Platform Engineering

I focus my design and development around stories. Stories of what it has been, what it is, and what it can be. Stories that have a faint scent of recognition – an inviting solace – however are bound with a wild appeal, a reinvention of convention, and a hypothesis of probability.

It is with this interest I approach research, procedure, and plan as mediums for examining, inciting, and encouraging the poetics of interactions. My work is grounded in the interplay of humans, nature, and innovation; a lifelong exploration of what it means to be human, and how we can better connect with each other.


Glance into the past

In all code, I strive for brevity (without loss of legibility). The less code there is, the less places there are for bugs to lurk.

6sense Insights

At a fast-paced startup, every engineer works on multiple projects and scopes at a time. I got the opportunity to explore different types of engineering helping me grow into an expertise I am most comfortable in.

  • Platform Engineering
  • Bazel Build
  • API & System Design

Visa Inc.

We created a Visa IP that helps develop payment gateways faster, and contributed to the new payments framework by building reusable code handlers.
My fun project became the most used internal tool globally.

  • Software Engineering
  • Product Management
  • API & System Design

Carnegie Mellon

I got my masters completing 174 units (or 58 credits) in 3 semesters, functioning on caffeine, and having the sleep cycle of an owl.
Recommended courses: Cloud Computing & Designing Human Centered Software.

  • Winner - Hack This, Help Kids
  • Winner - SDLC Hackathon
  • Research - backed by Uber
  • Research - backed by Microsoft

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Latest articles from my blog

Why would processing a unsorted array take almost 3 times as the time taken to process a sorted array?

You shouldn't just load a huge file into memory, it is expensive, read more to understand why.

Your entire career is put on a piece of paper, don't make it look like a newspaper.

There are more than 20 million questions on Stack Overflow; what are the chances yours isn't asked before?